Around the Yu-Gi-Oh circles, you find a lot of polarization about this card, and all of it revolving around the card's 'cheapness'. They're right, in a sense, but the reason BLS is overpowered isn't because of his effect. When you think about it, his effect makes a lot of sense.
Banish a card, yet he can't attack. A boss monster with 3,000 attack that can attack twice if he destroys a monster. It makes sense, in theory. BLS's problems are not his effect, but his splashability.
Think about it. Think about how many deck profiles you've seen that have BLS in them. Every single archetype that involves either Light or Dark monsters runs BLS at a competitive level. With cards like Sangan and Tour Guide, throwing BLS into a deck that runs Light monsters is a no brainer, and it's actually almost better than running the cards by themselves.
Let's go over how many deck types can splash BLS just through throwing in a Sangan:
Arcana Force
Whew. Look at that list! You could climb on top of it with a broom and probably be able to bang on the sky to tell God to turn his damn music down.
Chaos is a good idea in concept. It fucks around with the Graveyard and the banished cards, they can banish cards at the cost of not battling, and they require decision's based off of what the ideal situation is. theory.
At the time of creation, Chaos cards made sense. It was hard to get Lights and Darks out on the field. Now? It's what entire decks are based around.
Should BLS be banned? Probably. But, only to make way for Chaos cards that play fairly in a meta as fast as this. A modifier like "Only Light and Dark "Chaos" monsters can be banished by this card's efffect" would make the cards far more fair a balanced, and who knows? They may make way for an archetype that plays interestingly! Chaos Dragons are annoying but they do play fairly, and they do play in a style that takes skill and decision making.
Here's to a future of less dumb cards.
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