I'm fucking around with a build of Agents and its probably gonna end up being my main build. I've been running it online and once it's done I'll start running it locally. It's not anything amazing but it wins and I like the control it offers me.
I decided to go for a more control oriented build. A lot of Agent decks I've seen tend to try and run an aggro or spam strategy, and after many builds of attempting that I've decided to go heavily stun-oriented.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Nova Summoner x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x1
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x1
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Terraforming x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Now, I know it's not exactly the most "pro" thing in the world to not run a full 15 Extra Deck, but honestly, it's not worth it. I rarely ever use the Extra Deck in this build anyway. The Extra Deck for this exists purely just to use it when I can.
As for the deck itself, it includes some weird choices. Lightray Daedalus is helpful in a lot of ways because of the combo possibilities it has with Hyperion and Kristya, as well as the Icarus Attack it pulls with Sanctuary in the Sky. It allows for a free summon of a boss monster, and even though you're blowing up a Sanctuary, it doesn't hurt because you run 3 and 2 methods of searching it out. With all said and done, 12.5% of the deck is dedicated to getting Sanctuary of the Sky on the field, which is also why I run double Divine Punishment.
I know that the OCG players don't run it, but I really don't care all that much. Because the deck is so reliant on having Sanctuary out on the field, having the two Divines helps lock out he opponent because it negates almost everything in the deck from attempting to go off.
Valhalla is there not for the beat stick method, but because I find that I draw into it, Venus, and Earth way more often than you'd think that I would. It allows me to get out my Gachis and then normal Earth to either get another Venus or to get Hyperion should I be lucky enough to get Sanctuary on that same turn as well. Then, with those on the field, I can synch directly into Catastor. If I also drew a Herald of Orange Light, then I could run it and the Extra Shine Ball directly into Mist Wurm. I would spend the money on a Mist Wurm but I get that card out very, very rarely and it's not worth the $15 for a card that's a giant pulsating "Maybe".
Valhalla is also there for getting Hyperion out on the field, as well as dropping Kristya if all else fails.
All the tech spells are just there to be tech spells. Smashing Ground is either a bait for a Void Ogre or Shi-En and if not it destroys a card on the field, quite possibly their ONLY monster.
Those are my Agents in a nutshell.
Dimensional Alchemist is a fucking stupid card.
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