This isn't going to be a prediction post. By this time there's really no point to try and make a prediction out of what'll be put on the list, considering how it'll probably be leaked in a the next few days. I will say this though, a lot of banlist predictions and leaked lists are complete shit.
So many lists are driven almost entirely on nostalgia, and other lists are driven purely out of malice and bias towards certain types of decks. I understand that the point of a banlist is to try and push a certain product that's coming out or has come out, but you also have to understand, Konami isn't above balancing the game for playability. They're a business and while their job is to market product and sell what they're releasing, they also have an obligation to make the game fun for everyone involved, otherwise no one would buy the game.
I get really irritated when people call for cards like DMoC and Sinister Serpent to come back to the format, although mostly at Sinister Serpent. You cannot convince me that these decisions are made based off anything more than bias and nostalgia. They don't want these cards back, nor do they need these cards back. They just want to see cards from their childhoods enter the game again and the fact that so many people are clamoring for cards like DMoC back is disgusting. For a group of people that talk about card design and balancing the meta-game, you people don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
Do you realize how overpower DMoC makes Prophecy? Do you really not see how abusable he is and how easy he is to get out? You do realize that Judgment and Temperance can summon him and then let you get a Spellbook of Power back, which he can use to be a 3800 that can banish anything it kills. This is fair to you? Is this really a format you want?
Sinister Serpent is a pure nostalgia issue. No one would use it, no one would want to use it, and no one would give a shit if it came back. The fact that you all ravenously clamor for this card to come back is sad, honestly. There are way bigger issues with the game that need fixing aside from bringing Sinister Serpent back just so you have have your little nostalgia trip.
MST is another card that I'm really sick of seeing people complain about. It's a 1 for 1 removal that everyone can use and everyone SHOULD be using. If you want MST Limited, (or even Banned on some lists I've been seeing), then your problem is not MST, your problem is being shitty at the game. MST is hardly a problem card, and if you really want to bring the game to a screeching halt with a "Set 4, Go" format, then you have no business making banlist predictions.
Even worse are the lists that want to Limit MST and ban Heavy. You're actively make the game shittier.
Seeing people excited about Goyo maybe coming back and seeing the price of Goyos QUADRUPLE overnight is just pathetic and shameful. You motherfuckers talk about balance and card design and issues with the meta and you want to bring Goyo back into people's Extra Decks. You don't want Goyo back for anything other than nostalgia but it's a card you used to play during the synchro era.
You're only lying to yourselves.