I changed some things around a bit after looking through the cards, doing a bit more testing, and checking out how some other people are playing things.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x2
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x2
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Dark Hole x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Not a whole hell of a lot is different. The only major change is the removal of Nova Summoner and putting Hecatrice and Zeradias up to 2 each, as well as taking out Terraforming for a Dark Hole.
In retrospect it makes a lot of sense. It frees up another slot to put a spell in, and it allows for basically the exact same effect. Plus it now allows for a 2100 beater and a mass removal spell. The Nova Summoner was there as an idea to do some deck thinning but in retrospect it didn't really accomplish a whole lot aside from thinning the deck 2 cards and getting out an Earth. The Earth could be used for tuning but it misses its effect and its not worth it just to get those two cards.
As for Hecatrice, it gets me a better chance of being able to go into Valhalla my first turn, which makes it easier for me to get my monsters out better, and is especially useful if i manage to get Kristya into my hand on the first turn.
I may end up replacing Daedalus with a 3rd Hyperion but as for right now I really have never needed the 3rd Hyperion. I've usually managed to just need 1, and I always end up getting it anyway. I'll continue to fuck around with it but for now I want to see how much use Daedelus is at crowd control.
I'll check in later to show how well it goes.
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