Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Low-Level Ice Barriers

A while ago I tried to make Ice Barriers in the traditional way, and found that they weren't that great.

Scratch that, they were garbage.

Admittedly, I was pretty shitty then as well, but, I did end up making a build of the deck that I was pretty happy with, but it ran very different than most Ice Barrier decks. It revolves around Dewdark and Cryomancer locking out the opponent and dealing direct damage.


Monsters: 20

Dewdark of the Ice Barrier x3
Prior of the Ice Barrier x3
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier x3
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier x3
Defender of the Ice Barrier x2
Unifrog x2
Dupe Frog x2
Mother Grizzly x2

Spells: 12

Medallion of the Ice Barrier x3
Wetlands x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Moray of Greed x2
Terraforming x1
Surface x1

Traps: 8

Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgment x1


Now what's the purpose? It spams the level 2s so that Dewdark can attack directly for 2400 with the Wetlands on the field. If you drop 2 of them, then he can do 4800 direct. Plus, it avoids opponents monsters and avoids setting off flip effects and sending their shit to the graveyard.

As for why Defender is in the deck, they still get the boost from Wetlands regardless of whether or not all monsters are level 2. So, if i have him on the field, he locks out the opponent and allows for Dewdark and Cryomancer to mow over a lot of things with 2400 and 2500, respectively.

Blizzed has saved my ass numerous times, and Prior recycles the destroyed Dewdarks and Cryomancers. Unifrog is also good because Dupe Frog allows for its effect to go off, attacking directly for 1600 and then MSTing a card. Good shit.

Let me know what you think.

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