Thursday, January 31, 2013

Siding Against Dark Worlds in One Simple Card

People bitch about Dark Worlds all the time, and will good reason. They're not really all that fair, and they have a truly obnoxious play style. All they do is discard cards and draw cards to replace them. The entirety of the Dark World engine is drawing and discard over and over again, and they even have monsters dedicated to this draw engine.

The problem with them is that they constantly keep fucking with YOUR hand as well. I see a lot of people saying to side in Gemini Imps against them, but I think there's a better option.

See, the problem with Gemini Imps is that you only negate ONE of their effects, which still leaves them to the other 10 ways they can dump your hand and their own monsters to do stupid things.It stops their Card Destruction, which is probably their best card, but it doesn't stop them from the going into their Dragged Downs and Dealings directly afterwards.

No, I prefer to use this little shithead here:

Ain't he cute?

Beast/Effect/Level 1/0 ATK 0 DEF

"During your opponent's turn, when this card is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of your opponent's Spell, Trap, or Monster Card, your opponent's turn ends."

Wow! That's fucking amazing!

90% of the time a Dark World Player will open with Gates or Dealings. Why open with Dragged Down blindly when you can fix your own hand with Dealings and Gates and then play it when you're sure you'll plus or break even? If you side in Mane King, they'll open dealings, you'll discard King, and their turn rocket straight to the End Phase with a wide open field.

And you know none of those guys are running Gorz in their decks.

Now, Mane King does have its disadvantages, obviously. It doesn't prevent Card Destruction from dumping your hand nor does it prevent Dragged Down. In fact, Mane King is completely worthless with Dragged Down because no Dark World player in their right mind would discard a Mane King unless it happened to be the only card you had in your hand.

However, it's a common in every print that it comes in and I think it's equally as viable as Gemini Imps. It does different things but it gives your opponent far less options. If you can draw into it Game 2 in your opening hand, and then open with Dealings, prepare for lulz. They will ensue.

Next time you're playing Dark Worlds, give the card a shot. They won't see it coming and gives you open range to punish them hard next turn.

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