Sunday, December 30, 2012

My thoughts while trying to effectively build a Madolche side deck

So, basically, I've decided that now has come the time in my competitive Yu-Gi-Oh career where I need to start really dedicating time to Side Decking. This is essentially a live (or close to live) post documenting my thought process to this. I might as well write it somewhere.


Goal: To make my deck less susceptible to the game design flaw known as "The Gayness"

Decks in the meta that are heavily infected with "The Gayness" in order of level of infection:

Dino Rabbit
Six Samurai
Dark World
Chain Burn

Dino Rabbit. What the fuck kills it?

Snowman Eater kills Laggias
Summon Limit because lol
Effect Veiler stops Rescue Rabbits
Third Compulse because haha no
Mirror of Oaths fucks up their shit
Imperial Iron Wall because KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF

Six Sams. What the fuck kills them?

Gozen Match. Aint that just a BITCH
Summon Limit. AINT THAT A BITCH.
Torrential Tribute ruins lives and makes children cry
Chain Disappearance on Grandmasters and Kizans, Kizans, and Kagemushas
Warrior Elimination. Die. Die horribly.
Kinetic Soldier for lulz
Mind Crush because ROTA and smoke signal are fucking stupid

Dark World. What the fuck kills them?

D.D. Crow wrecks shit
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror because I'm sick of your SHIT
Debunk. Eh.
Different Dimension Ground. It's a temporary Macro Cosmos. I can dig it.
Neko Mane King because LOL U MAD
Chain Disappearance the Grapha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Royal Prison stops shit

Inzektors. What the fuck kills them?

Shadow Imprisoning Mirror for win
Veiler their Dragonfly and ain't shit getting done
D.D. Crow the hornet. D.D. CROW IT.
Really Eternal Rest. Game, sir.

Wind-Ups. What the fuck kills them?

Torrential Tribute. Boom
Summon Limit. GOOD GAME SIRS.
Gozen Match. Y'all crazy.
Effect Veiler for Rat and Zenmaity and other stupid shit
Chain Disappearance for Magicians and Rats and STUPID SHIT

Chain Burn. What the fuck Stops it?

Des Wombat. GG, sir.
Nature's reflection. G.G. SIR.

General decent side deck shit:

Imperial Iron Wall
Royal Decree
Royal Prison


Okay, so now I gotta figure out what cards are most useful and most versitile.

Summon Limit, obviously. x2 of the shit. probably use it to replace the compulses, depending on the match-up

Shadow Imprisoning x2, more than likely.

I have two monster slots that are interchangable. Those can be filled with Veilers, Crows, and Snowman Eaters

Chain Disappearance x2. definetly. 4 slots left.

Nature's Reflection for Burn x2, 3 Gozen match, Neko Mane King?

Summon Limit stops most of the things that I'd require Torrential for, but i really want to use Neko Mane King, and if i don't draw into him it fucks everything up. He ruins Dark Worlds.

If I'm running Shadow Imprisoning Mirror then I don't really need the Crows for Dark Worlds, plus silver sentinel kills grapha as is

okay so Crows are out, Nekos are in.

Wait. But Gozen and Summon Limit are now stopping the same damn things.

Gozen stops Wind-Ups, Samurai, and Rabbit, but thats what Summon Limit is supposed to do, too. But which is better?

Gozen Match stops Sams from spamming, but they can still go Kagemusha into Kizan and then go into Barkion, at which point I'm pretty much fucked, but if I use Summon Limit they can't do that. But, if I have Summon Limit they can still bring out Grandmaster and swing over my shit, but Nagatama can't do shit to Queen, but at the same time they can just bring out all their stupid the next turn, and Gozen would stop them going into Shien with Kagemusha and Kageki.

Gozen Match also acts as a Summon Limit to Wind-Ups and to Rabbit, plus Summon Limit doesn't really do anything to Dark Worlds, Dragons, Inzektors, and the like, so I guess Summon Limit is being taken out for triple Gozen Match.

Okay now I have:

Gozen Match x3
Snowman Eater x2
Effect Veiler x2
Neko Mane King x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2
Nature's Reflection x2
Chain Disappearance x2

Which gives me a total of 15.

Okay, so what are each of these things stopping?

Gozen - Wind-Ups, Rabbit, Samurai, Dragons
Snowman Eater - Rabbit
Effect Veiler - Wind-Ups, Rabbit, Inzektors
Neko Mane King - Dark Worlds, Inzektors
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror - GKs, Dragons, Inzektors, Dark Worlds
Nature's Reflection - Burn
Chain Disappearance - Rabbit, Inzektors, Wind-Ups, Samurai

So from what I'm seeing I have a lot of hate against Rabbit, Samurai, and Wind-Ups, which are probably going to be my biggest problems. Dark Worlds are equally hate-able, but that's why I have Neko Mane and Shadow Imprisoning.

Snowman Eater seems to be the weakest link in this. It only works against one deck. Maybe I replace it with Rykos? Then they could serve the same purpose, give me targets for Queen, and force Lightpulsar to miss timing.

Yeah except if I mill Magileines or Messengelatos I'm screwed. What else can Snowman Eaters serve?

They're mainly useful against Dinos, but they don't do shit against Dragons.

Actually, Chaos Trap Holes could work. They stop Dragons, Dark Worlds, GKs, Inzektors, and remove the shits from play, plus they could be easily sided in in place of Solemn Warnings.

I also have that one straggler space, so I could side in mass elimination spells.


System Down x1
Chaos Trap Hole x2
Gozen Match x2
Chain Disappearance x2
Nature's Reflection x2
Effect Veiler x2
Neko Mane King x2
Snowman Eater x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2

Leaving me with 15

So this deck now counters Gadgets, Geargia, Agents, Dragons, Inzektors, Rabbit, Dark World, GKs, Burn, Wind-Ups, and Samurai

Pretty fuckin' good, if i do say so myself.

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