So, basically, I've decided that now has come the time in my competitive Yu-Gi-Oh career where I need to start really dedicating time to Side Decking. This is essentially a live (or close to live) post documenting my thought process to this. I might as well write it somewhere.
Goal: To make my deck less susceptible to the game design flaw known as "The Gayness"
Decks in the meta that are heavily infected with "The Gayness" in order of level of infection:
Dino Rabbit
Six Samurai
Dark World
Chain Burn
Dino Rabbit. What the fuck kills it?
Snowman Eater kills Laggias
Summon Limit because lol
Effect Veiler stops Rescue Rabbits
Third Compulse because haha no
Mirror of Oaths fucks up their shit
Imperial Iron Wall because KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF
Six Sams. What the fuck kills them?
Gozen Match. Aint that just a BITCH
Summon Limit. AINT THAT A BITCH.
Torrential Tribute ruins lives and makes children cry
Chain Disappearance on Grandmasters and Kizans, Kizans, and Kagemushas
Warrior Elimination. Die. Die horribly.
Kinetic Soldier for lulz
Mind Crush because ROTA and smoke signal are fucking stupid
Dark World. What the fuck kills them?
D.D. Crow wrecks shit
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror because I'm sick of your SHIT
Debunk. Eh.
Different Dimension Ground. It's a temporary Macro Cosmos. I can dig it.
Neko Mane King because LOL U MAD
Chain Disappearance the Grapha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Royal Prison stops shit
Inzektors. What the fuck kills them?
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror for win
Veiler their Dragonfly and ain't shit getting done
D.D. Crow the hornet. D.D. CROW IT.
Really Eternal Rest. Game, sir.
Wind-Ups. What the fuck kills them?
Torrential Tribute. Boom
Summon Limit. GOOD GAME SIRS.
Gozen Match. Y'all crazy.
Effect Veiler for Rat and Zenmaity and other stupid shit
Chain Disappearance for Magicians and Rats and STUPID SHIT
Chain Burn. What the fuck Stops it?
Des Wombat. GG, sir.
Nature's reflection. G.G. SIR.
General decent side deck shit:
Imperial Iron Wall
Royal Decree
Royal Prison
Okay, so now I gotta figure out what cards are most useful and most versitile.
Summon Limit, obviously. x2 of the shit. probably use it to replace the compulses, depending on the match-up
Shadow Imprisoning x2, more than likely.
I have two monster slots that are interchangable. Those can be filled with Veilers, Crows, and Snowman Eaters
Chain Disappearance x2. definetly. 4 slots left.
Nature's Reflection for Burn x2, 3 Gozen match, Neko Mane King?
Summon Limit stops most of the things that I'd require Torrential for, but i really want to use Neko Mane King, and if i don't draw into him it fucks everything up. He ruins Dark Worlds.
If I'm running Shadow Imprisoning Mirror then I don't really need the Crows for Dark Worlds, plus silver sentinel kills grapha as is
okay so Crows are out, Nekos are in.
Wait. But Gozen and Summon Limit are now stopping the same damn things.
Gozen stops Wind-Ups, Samurai, and Rabbit, but thats what Summon Limit is supposed to do, too. But which is better?
Gozen Match stops Sams from spamming, but they can still go Kagemusha into Kizan and then go into Barkion, at which point I'm pretty much fucked, but if I use Summon Limit they can't do that. But, if I have Summon Limit they can still bring out Grandmaster and swing over my shit, but Nagatama can't do shit to Queen, but at the same time they can just bring out all their stupid the next turn, and Gozen would stop them going into Shien with Kagemusha and Kageki.
Gozen Match also acts as a Summon Limit to Wind-Ups and to Rabbit, plus Summon Limit doesn't really do anything to Dark Worlds, Dragons, Inzektors, and the like, so I guess Summon Limit is being taken out for triple Gozen Match.
Okay now I have:
Gozen Match x3
Snowman Eater x2
Effect Veiler x2
Neko Mane King x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2
Nature's Reflection x2
Chain Disappearance x2
Which gives me a total of 15.
Okay, so what are each of these things stopping?
Gozen - Wind-Ups, Rabbit, Samurai, Dragons
Snowman Eater - Rabbit
Effect Veiler - Wind-Ups, Rabbit, Inzektors
Neko Mane King - Dark Worlds, Inzektors
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror - GKs, Dragons, Inzektors, Dark Worlds
Nature's Reflection - Burn
Chain Disappearance - Rabbit, Inzektors, Wind-Ups, Samurai
So from what I'm seeing I have a lot of hate against Rabbit, Samurai, and Wind-Ups, which are probably going to be my biggest problems. Dark Worlds are equally hate-able, but that's why I have Neko Mane and Shadow Imprisoning.
Snowman Eater seems to be the weakest link in this. It only works against one deck. Maybe I replace it with Rykos? Then they could serve the same purpose, give me targets for Queen, and force Lightpulsar to miss timing.
Yeah except if I mill Magileines or Messengelatos I'm screwed. What else can Snowman Eaters serve?
They're mainly useful against Dinos, but they don't do shit against Dragons.
Actually, Chaos Trap Holes could work. They stop Dragons, Dark Worlds, GKs, Inzektors, and remove the shits from play, plus they could be easily sided in in place of Solemn Warnings.
I also have that one straggler space, so I could side in mass elimination spells.
System Down x1
Chaos Trap Hole x2
Gozen Match x2
Chain Disappearance x2
Nature's Reflection x2
Effect Veiler x2
Neko Mane King x2
Snowman Eater x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2
Leaving me with 15
So this deck now counters Gadgets, Geargia, Agents, Dragons, Inzektors, Rabbit, Dark World, GKs, Burn, Wind-Ups, and Samurai
Pretty fuckin' good, if i do say so myself.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
My thoughts while trying to effectively build a Madolche side deck
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Low-Level Ice Barriers
A while ago I tried to make Ice Barriers in the traditional way, and found that they weren't that great.
Scratch that, they were garbage.
Admittedly, I was pretty shitty then as well, but, I did end up making a build of the deck that I was pretty happy with, but it ran very different than most Ice Barrier decks. It revolves around Dewdark and Cryomancer locking out the opponent and dealing direct damage.
Monsters: 20
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier x3
Prior of the Ice Barrier x3
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier x3
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier x3
Defender of the Ice Barrier x2
Unifrog x2
Dupe Frog x2
Mother Grizzly x2
Spells: 12
Medallion of the Ice Barrier x3
Wetlands x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Moray of Greed x2
Terraforming x1
Surface x1
Traps: 8
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Now what's the purpose? It spams the level 2s so that Dewdark can attack directly for 2400 with the Wetlands on the field. If you drop 2 of them, then he can do 4800 direct. Plus, it avoids opponents monsters and avoids setting off flip effects and sending their shit to the graveyard.
As for why Defender is in the deck, they still get the boost from Wetlands regardless of whether or not all monsters are level 2. So, if i have him on the field, he locks out the opponent and allows for Dewdark and Cryomancer to mow over a lot of things with 2400 and 2500, respectively.
Blizzed has saved my ass numerous times, and Prior recycles the destroyed Dewdarks and Cryomancers. Unifrog is also good because Dupe Frog allows for its effect to go off, attacking directly for 1600 and then MSTing a card. Good shit.
Let me know what you think.
Scratch that, they were garbage.
Admittedly, I was pretty shitty then as well, but, I did end up making a build of the deck that I was pretty happy with, but it ran very different than most Ice Barrier decks. It revolves around Dewdark and Cryomancer locking out the opponent and dealing direct damage.
Monsters: 20
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier x3
Prior of the Ice Barrier x3
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier x3
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier x3
Defender of the Ice Barrier x2
Unifrog x2
Dupe Frog x2
Mother Grizzly x2
Spells: 12
Medallion of the Ice Barrier x3
Wetlands x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Moray of Greed x2
Terraforming x1
Surface x1
Traps: 8
Solemn Warning x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Now what's the purpose? It spams the level 2s so that Dewdark can attack directly for 2400 with the Wetlands on the field. If you drop 2 of them, then he can do 4800 direct. Plus, it avoids opponents monsters and avoids setting off flip effects and sending their shit to the graveyard.
As for why Defender is in the deck, they still get the boost from Wetlands regardless of whether or not all monsters are level 2. So, if i have him on the field, he locks out the opponent and allows for Dewdark and Cryomancer to mow over a lot of things with 2400 and 2500, respectively.
Blizzed has saved my ass numerous times, and Prior recycles the destroyed Dewdarks and Cryomancers. Unifrog is also good because Dupe Frog allows for its effect to go off, attacking directly for 1600 and then MSTing a card. Good shit.
Let me know what you think.
card games,
direct attack,
ice barriers,
low level,
Friday, December 14, 2012
Gravekeper's Deck Profile
It's the Christmas season, so naturally, I have no goddamn clue what I want. Instead of getting something expensive, I decided to try that I might as well use the opportunity to build one of the decks I've been fucking around with, and I decided to use Gravekeepers, since the other decks I would try and build are relatively more expensive. This is the decklist I ended up with:
Monsters: 20
Gravekeeper's Descendant x3
Gravekeeper's Recruiter x3
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Guard x2
Gravekeeper's Assailant x2
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier x2
Gravekeeper's Chief x1
Spirit Reaper x1
Spells: 10
Necrovalley x3
Gravekeeper's Stele x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Royal Tribute x2
Allure of Darkness x1
Traps: 10
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Magician's Circle x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Mirror Force x1
As for why Chief is in the deck, I use him primarily as a beatstick, and also because of his effect to special out the same Gravekeeper that was used to tribute for him. I don't use him to unlock my own Graveyard, but he can be brought out with Magician's Circle and he's useful for when your opponent has something moderately big and you can't swing over it.
I don't run Wonder Wand primarily because I don't own one, but if I did I would probably test it out in place of Allue of Darkness. It's generally better because it gives an attack boost and it can be used to get rid of Recruiter and essentially get 3 cards to your hand, which is pretty damn valuable.
I'll post some more when finals are done with.
Monsters: 20
Gravekeeper's Descendant x3
Gravekeeper's Recruiter x3
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Guard x2
Gravekeeper's Assailant x2
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier x2
Gravekeeper's Chief x1
Spirit Reaper x1
Spells: 10
Necrovalley x3
Gravekeeper's Stele x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Royal Tribute x2
Allure of Darkness x1
Traps: 10
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x2
Magician's Circle x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Mirror Force x1
As for why Chief is in the deck, I use him primarily as a beatstick, and also because of his effect to special out the same Gravekeeper that was used to tribute for him. I don't use him to unlock my own Graveyard, but he can be brought out with Magician's Circle and he's useful for when your opponent has something moderately big and you can't swing over it.
I don't run Wonder Wand primarily because I don't own one, but if I did I would probably test it out in place of Allue of Darkness. It's generally better because it gives an attack boost and it can be used to get rid of Recruiter and essentially get 3 cards to your hand, which is pretty damn valuable.
I'll post some more when finals are done with.
card games,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
An Agent-themed Update
I changed some things around a bit after looking through the cards, doing a bit more testing, and checking out how some other people are playing things.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x2
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x2
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Dark Hole x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Not a whole hell of a lot is different. The only major change is the removal of Nova Summoner and putting Hecatrice and Zeradias up to 2 each, as well as taking out Terraforming for a Dark Hole.
In retrospect it makes a lot of sense. It frees up another slot to put a spell in, and it allows for basically the exact same effect. Plus it now allows for a 2100 beater and a mass removal spell. The Nova Summoner was there as an idea to do some deck thinning but in retrospect it didn't really accomplish a whole lot aside from thinning the deck 2 cards and getting out an Earth. The Earth could be used for tuning but it misses its effect and its not worth it just to get those two cards.
As for Hecatrice, it gets me a better chance of being able to go into Valhalla my first turn, which makes it easier for me to get my monsters out better, and is especially useful if i manage to get Kristya into my hand on the first turn.
I may end up replacing Daedalus with a 3rd Hyperion but as for right now I really have never needed the 3rd Hyperion. I've usually managed to just need 1, and I always end up getting it anyway. I'll continue to fuck around with it but for now I want to see how much use Daedelus is at crowd control.
I'll check in later to show how well it goes.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x2
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x2
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Dark Hole x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Not a whole hell of a lot is different. The only major change is the removal of Nova Summoner and putting Hecatrice and Zeradias up to 2 each, as well as taking out Terraforming for a Dark Hole.
In retrospect it makes a lot of sense. It frees up another slot to put a spell in, and it allows for basically the exact same effect. Plus it now allows for a 2100 beater and a mass removal spell. The Nova Summoner was there as an idea to do some deck thinning but in retrospect it didn't really accomplish a whole lot aside from thinning the deck 2 cards and getting out an Earth. The Earth could be used for tuning but it misses its effect and its not worth it just to get those two cards.
As for Hecatrice, it gets me a better chance of being able to go into Valhalla my first turn, which makes it easier for me to get my monsters out better, and is especially useful if i manage to get Kristya into my hand on the first turn.
I may end up replacing Daedalus with a 3rd Hyperion but as for right now I really have never needed the 3rd Hyperion. I've usually managed to just need 1, and I always end up getting it anyway. I'll continue to fuck around with it but for now I want to see how much use Daedelus is at crowd control.
I'll check in later to show how well it goes.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Agents Build
I'm fucking around with a build of Agents and its probably gonna end up being my main build. I've been running it online and once it's done I'll start running it locally. It's not anything amazing but it wins and I like the control it offers me.
I decided to go for a more control oriented build. A lot of Agent decks I've seen tend to try and run an aggro or spam strategy, and after many builds of attempting that I've decided to go heavily stun-oriented.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Nova Summoner x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x1
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x1
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Terraforming x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Now, I know it's not exactly the most "pro" thing in the world to not run a full 15 Extra Deck, but honestly, it's not worth it. I rarely ever use the Extra Deck in this build anyway. The Extra Deck for this exists purely just to use it when I can.
As for the deck itself, it includes some weird choices. Lightray Daedalus is helpful in a lot of ways because of the combo possibilities it has with Hyperion and Kristya, as well as the Icarus Attack it pulls with Sanctuary in the Sky. It allows for a free summon of a boss monster, and even though you're blowing up a Sanctuary, it doesn't hurt because you run 3 and 2 methods of searching it out. With all said and done, 12.5% of the deck is dedicated to getting Sanctuary of the Sky on the field, which is also why I run double Divine Punishment.
I know that the OCG players don't run it, but I really don't care all that much. Because the deck is so reliant on having Sanctuary out on the field, having the two Divines helps lock out he opponent because it negates almost everything in the deck from attempting to go off.
Valhalla is there not for the beat stick method, but because I find that I draw into it, Venus, and Earth way more often than you'd think that I would. It allows me to get out my Gachis and then normal Earth to either get another Venus or to get Hyperion should I be lucky enough to get Sanctuary on that same turn as well. Then, with those on the field, I can synch directly into Catastor. If I also drew a Herald of Orange Light, then I could run it and the Extra Shine Ball directly into Mist Wurm. I would spend the money on a Mist Wurm but I get that card out very, very rarely and it's not worth the $15 for a card that's a giant pulsating "Maybe".
Valhalla is also there for getting Hyperion out on the field, as well as dropping Kristya if all else fails.
All the tech spells are just there to be tech spells. Smashing Ground is either a bait for a Void Ogre or Shi-En and if not it destroys a card on the field, quite possibly their ONLY monster.
Those are my Agents in a nutshell.
Dimensional Alchemist is a fucking stupid card.
I decided to go for a more control oriented build. A lot of Agent decks I've seen tend to try and run an aggro or spam strategy, and after many builds of attempting that I've decided to go heavily stun-oriented.
The Agent of Creation - Venus x3
Mystical Shine Ball x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Master Hyperion x2
Herald of Orange Light x2
Nova Summoner x2
Archlord Kristya x2
Hecatrice x1
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x1
Honest x1
Lightray Daedalus x1
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Monster Reborn x1
Smashing Ground x1
Terraforming x1
Divine Punishment x2
Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
Call of the Haunted x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Black Horn of Heaven x1
Solemn Judgment x1
Fiendish Chain x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Flamvell Uruquizaz x1
Light End Dragon x1
Gravity Warrior x1
X-Saber Urbellum x1
Gachi Gachi Gentetsu x2
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Number 30: Leviathan Dragon x1
Now, I know it's not exactly the most "pro" thing in the world to not run a full 15 Extra Deck, but honestly, it's not worth it. I rarely ever use the Extra Deck in this build anyway. The Extra Deck for this exists purely just to use it when I can.
As for the deck itself, it includes some weird choices. Lightray Daedalus is helpful in a lot of ways because of the combo possibilities it has with Hyperion and Kristya, as well as the Icarus Attack it pulls with Sanctuary in the Sky. It allows for a free summon of a boss monster, and even though you're blowing up a Sanctuary, it doesn't hurt because you run 3 and 2 methods of searching it out. With all said and done, 12.5% of the deck is dedicated to getting Sanctuary of the Sky on the field, which is also why I run double Divine Punishment.
I know that the OCG players don't run it, but I really don't care all that much. Because the deck is so reliant on having Sanctuary out on the field, having the two Divines helps lock out he opponent because it negates almost everything in the deck from attempting to go off.
Valhalla is there not for the beat stick method, but because I find that I draw into it, Venus, and Earth way more often than you'd think that I would. It allows me to get out my Gachis and then normal Earth to either get another Venus or to get Hyperion should I be lucky enough to get Sanctuary on that same turn as well. Then, with those on the field, I can synch directly into Catastor. If I also drew a Herald of Orange Light, then I could run it and the Extra Shine Ball directly into Mist Wurm. I would spend the money on a Mist Wurm but I get that card out very, very rarely and it's not worth the $15 for a card that's a giant pulsating "Maybe".
Valhalla is also there for getting Hyperion out on the field, as well as dropping Kristya if all else fails.
All the tech spells are just there to be tech spells. Smashing Ground is either a bait for a Void Ogre or Shi-En and if not it destroys a card on the field, quite possibly their ONLY monster.
Those are my Agents in a nutshell.
Dimensional Alchemist is a fucking stupid card.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Why BLS is a stupid card (and not for the reasons you'd think)
Around the Yu-Gi-Oh circles, you find a lot of polarization about this card, and all of it revolving around the card's 'cheapness'. They're right, in a sense, but the reason BLS is overpowered isn't because of his effect. When you think about it, his effect makes a lot of sense.
Banish a card, yet he can't attack. A boss monster with 3,000 attack that can attack twice if he destroys a monster. It makes sense, in theory. BLS's problems are not his effect, but his splashability.
Think about it. Think about how many deck profiles you've seen that have BLS in them. Every single archetype that involves either Light or Dark monsters runs BLS at a competitive level. With cards like Sangan and Tour Guide, throwing BLS into a deck that runs Light monsters is a no brainer, and it's actually almost better than running the cards by themselves.
Let's go over how many deck types can splash BLS just through throwing in a Sangan:
Arcana Force
Whew. Look at that list! You could climb on top of it with a broom and probably be able to bang on the sky to tell God to turn his damn music down.
Chaos is a good idea in concept. It fucks around with the Graveyard and the banished cards, they can banish cards at the cost of not battling, and they require decision's based off of what the ideal situation is. theory.
At the time of creation, Chaos cards made sense. It was hard to get Lights and Darks out on the field. Now? It's what entire decks are based around.
Should BLS be banned? Probably. But, only to make way for Chaos cards that play fairly in a meta as fast as this. A modifier like "Only Light and Dark "Chaos" monsters can be banished by this card's efffect" would make the cards far more fair a balanced, and who knows? They may make way for an archetype that plays interestingly! Chaos Dragons are annoying but they do play fairly, and they do play in a style that takes skill and decision making.
Here's to a future of less dumb cards.
Banish a card, yet he can't attack. A boss monster with 3,000 attack that can attack twice if he destroys a monster. It makes sense, in theory. BLS's problems are not his effect, but his splashability.
Think about it. Think about how many deck profiles you've seen that have BLS in them. Every single archetype that involves either Light or Dark monsters runs BLS at a competitive level. With cards like Sangan and Tour Guide, throwing BLS into a deck that runs Light monsters is a no brainer, and it's actually almost better than running the cards by themselves.
Let's go over how many deck types can splash BLS just through throwing in a Sangan:
Arcana Force
Whew. Look at that list! You could climb on top of it with a broom and probably be able to bang on the sky to tell God to turn his damn music down.
Chaos is a good idea in concept. It fucks around with the Graveyard and the banished cards, they can banish cards at the cost of not battling, and they require decision's based off of what the ideal situation is. theory.
At the time of creation, Chaos cards made sense. It was hard to get Lights and Darks out on the field. Now? It's what entire decks are based around.
Should BLS be banned? Probably. But, only to make way for Chaos cards that play fairly in a meta as fast as this. A modifier like "Only Light and Dark "Chaos" monsters can be banished by this card's efffect" would make the cards far more fair a balanced, and who knows? They may make way for an archetype that plays interestingly! Chaos Dragons are annoying but they do play fairly, and they do play in a style that takes skill and decision making.
Here's to a future of less dumb cards.
Black Luster Soldier,
card games,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Number 92: Fake-Body God Dragon, Heart-eartH Dragon
I decided to start writing about Yu-Gi-oh, and I figured what better way to start this off than by talking about a card that's showing up in Cosmo Blazer next year.
When it comes to game design in general, I've always been a fan of things that do really wild, crazy things, only because I like to see the creativity behind them. It spices games up and makes the battlefield alive and active. Yu-Gi-Oh has banned most of the cards that cause shenanigans, and for good reason, but this card is an absolute glory.
Look at this beautiful fucker.
It's effect reads as follows:
"3 Level 9 monsters"
"This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Your opponent takes any Battle Damage you would have taken from battles involving this card. During your opponent's End Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; banish all cards that your opponent Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or Set this turn. If this card is destroyed while it has an Xyz Material: You can Special Summon it from the Graveyard. When you do: It gains 1000 ATK for each card currently banished."
Oh God, it's like it's Christmas up in here.
It's Spirit Reaper, Magic Cylinder, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Macro Cosmos, and Gren Maju Da Eiza all wrapped up in a beautiful tortilla with a side of guacamole.
Too bad it requires 3 Level 9 monsters, unless you cheat and use the other Fake-Body Xyz monster, but I won't be going over him. He doesn't quite interest me the same way this card does.
This card signals something that you don't see in Yu-Gi-Oh anymore. It shows a willingness to bring something interesting and crazy into a game that's content to play bland generic archetypes and strategies. Its effect is goofy, its requirements are absurd, and its name is beautifully over the top, but you know what? It tries.
How many archetypes do you know of that do nothing but swarm? So many archetypes now do one thing, and that's swarm the field to dump for Synchros and Xyz monsters. Isn't it about time you saw something that did some actual craziness?
Will he see play? Honestly, probably not. Despite all the cards that are out now that allow for fast summoning of monsters and altering of Levels, I'd be pretty surprised if this card saw actual frequent use. Super Galaxy Destroyer doesn't see any use, and Gustav Max dedicated decks are hardy commonplace.
I just love the fact that this card exists, and I like the idea of Konami making cards that do absurd, really out there things. Will the set after Cosmo Blazer follow up on this? The cover card for it is apparently Number 107, so I'd think things would get pretty crazy. Well just have to wait and see and cross our fingers.
When it comes to game design in general, I've always been a fan of things that do really wild, crazy things, only because I like to see the creativity behind them. It spices games up and makes the battlefield alive and active. Yu-Gi-Oh has banned most of the cards that cause shenanigans, and for good reason, but this card is an absolute glory.
Look at this beautiful fucker.
It's effect reads as follows:
"3 Level 9 monsters"
"This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Your opponent takes any Battle Damage you would have taken from battles involving this card. During your opponent's End Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; banish all cards that your opponent Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or Set this turn. If this card is destroyed while it has an Xyz Material: You can Special Summon it from the Graveyard. When you do: It gains 1000 ATK for each card currently banished."
Oh God, it's like it's Christmas up in here.
It's Spirit Reaper, Magic Cylinder, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Macro Cosmos, and Gren Maju Da Eiza all wrapped up in a beautiful tortilla with a side of guacamole.
Too bad it requires 3 Level 9 monsters, unless you cheat and use the other Fake-Body Xyz monster, but I won't be going over him. He doesn't quite interest me the same way this card does.
This card signals something that you don't see in Yu-Gi-Oh anymore. It shows a willingness to bring something interesting and crazy into a game that's content to play bland generic archetypes and strategies. Its effect is goofy, its requirements are absurd, and its name is beautifully over the top, but you know what? It tries.
How many archetypes do you know of that do nothing but swarm? So many archetypes now do one thing, and that's swarm the field to dump for Synchros and Xyz monsters. Isn't it about time you saw something that did some actual craziness?
Will he see play? Honestly, probably not. Despite all the cards that are out now that allow for fast summoning of monsters and altering of Levels, I'd be pretty surprised if this card saw actual frequent use. Super Galaxy Destroyer doesn't see any use, and Gustav Max dedicated decks are hardy commonplace.
I just love the fact that this card exists, and I like the idea of Konami making cards that do absurd, really out there things. Will the set after Cosmo Blazer follow up on this? The cover card for it is apparently Number 107, so I'd think things would get pretty crazy. Well just have to wait and see and cross our fingers.
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